On-line trademark registration.
We are aware of the effort you have made to consolidate your company and for that reason we understand the importance of the brand that you have worked so hard to position in the local market. The brand is the soul of your company, protect it, we help you.
Registering your brand will allow you to have exclusivity over it, nobody else will be able to use a brand equal or similar to yours and you will increase the value of your company. From the moment of filing the application for registration, you will prevent someone else from taking possession of it. You will be able to grant licenses or franchises to third parties and receive royalties for the use of your trademark. And, you will also be entitled to use the acronym MR. or the symbol ® in your trademark and logo.
At Opción Legal you will have security, certainty and the best results in the trademark registration process, thanks to the commitment of our specialized lawyers. And the most important thing, you will not have to worry about anything, we will manage everything. As a 100% Nayarit company, we are committed to the development of the economy of our state, and for that reason we want to support you in the process of growth of your company. Trust us, we are your best option.